Sunday, 24 April 2011

Easter Picnic

Although I had planned a full day of study today, the weather dictated otherwise. I have been on leave all week and have managed to get precious little done in the way of children and my weak-will have taken care of that. Oh, what are school holidays for but to be spent socialising your children with other people's children whilst you have an (albeit interrupted) conversation with another parent? That's pretty much all we've done this week until the Friday Bank Holiday arrived and then we socialised with the fourth member of our family as he was also off on leave. Saturday was reserved for 'Down West'. This is where our cottage renovation project lives which progresses like a slow growing oak. It's habitable but not quite finished. And when The Grandparents and The Uncle have come to visit then any thoughts of getting any work done gets brushed away with the resident leaves. Barbeque, beer, wine, story-telling, window-shopping, belly-aching-laughter, tree-climbing and grave-reading filled the day instead and the cottage was a lot happier for the company. The sun has been shining since school broke up and it unexpectedly continues - hence today's picnic. I did study either side of it so there was no guilt as we trooped up to the Brecon Beacons, dogs and cooler box akimbo, slapping the sun cream on the way. We marvelled at the views from the top of chosen mountain, red kites and peregrine falcons riding on its thermals, before enjoying the downward gradient and gentle breeze back to the car.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

The Old Man and the Whipper Snapper

We have two dogs.The eldest, a collie-lab mix, in his fifteenth year, is getting weary of his daily routine of two meals, trips down the garden and much sleep. The youngest, a beagle, in his second year, can't understand why he won't play with him. He nips at the old man's back legs and gets verbal abuse back. The Whipper Snapper has a dynamo inside him and never tires...I was warned about the breed before I fell for the puppy dog eyes and the white stripe across his bottom. I still handed over the reserve cheque and dismissed any doubts. Oh we love him and he loves us but he wants to be doing all the time...even during this hot weather. He joins the girls on the trampoline when permitted and has no fear of the unfamiliar undulations of it. He will miss The Old Man when his times comes. He will look for him and track his scent. But he won't look for long. There are so many other things he could be doing.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Doll, doll, dog

My youngest (seven year old) daughter (henceforth known as my Persian Kitten at her request) takes three cuddly toys to bed. They are cuddled in order of importance, in a line; the first doll being closest to her, the second doll in the middle, the dog on the end. I don't know why she has chosen these three out of the hundreds inhabiting her room but somehow they have become her favourites and she cannot sleep without them. Tonight she is having a 'sleepover' in the marital bed with me. The marital husband has been relegated to the spare room. Her best friend was meant to sleep over but after spending all day playing here developed a migraine during movie time and had to go home. The disappointment was too much to bear and a secondary offer had to be made. In all fairness to the husband, it was he who thought of the idea and it was immediately accepted - she does, after all, ask to do this every night anyway. So tonight it will be Persian Kitten, doll, doll, dog, Mummy. My eldest (ten year old) daughter (preferred name yet to be decided) gets to stay in her own bed in amongst books, toys and a haphazard den. It was her bedroom they'd all been playing in.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Call of the Child

The unplanned night turned into a night vigil for my eldest daughter who felt sick from 11:30pm. I set up camp on her single bed with my own pillow and blanket and shared the space with her and the sick bowl. Crisis and feeling sick passed within an hour and we both slept soundly until my eyelids could no longer keep out the light peeping out from around the blackout blind. Twas still early for a Sunday but nextdoor's cockrell thought otherwise. Actually, I mentally thanked him as he was crowing the dawn of a beautiful sunny day and he wanted everyone to know about it. It was the sort of morning that makes you squint as you roll up the blind but you can't stop yourself from looking. The early morning status doesn't last for long....the stillness, the lack of human presence, birdsong audible above all else and it's worth packing some of it away in tupperware dishes for future consumption. I put some washing in the machine and set about cleaning up the dog poo - after all, during this dry weather it's so much easier to pick up.

Saturday, 16 April 2011

From the mouths of babes

Walking down the school drive yesterday on the last day of term, post-easter assembly with both daughters and youngest daughter's friend: Youngest daughter:When you hold two fingers up at somebody, which way round is the rude way? Me:Facing outwards, the other way means peace. Daughter's friend:I told you that was the rude way! Much learnt from the easter message, then. A much longer walk completed than the school drive, today - 11 miles with friends for the Macmillan charity.My thighs tell me they've worked hard and my bloated stomach tells me it's welcomed too much wine and lemonade apres event.NOTHING planned for tomorrow but that doesn't include washing, drying, ironing, tidying, cooking......

Friday, 15 April 2011

Cyberspace virgin flight

I'm a complete novice on this but have an illogical desire to start blogging so here I am! I am immediately cut short, however, as my eldest daughter now requires me to dry her hair...I wonder how often I'll have the time to blog...and about what will I blog...?