Monday, 18 April 2011

Doll, doll, dog

My youngest (seven year old) daughter (henceforth known as my Persian Kitten at her request) takes three cuddly toys to bed. They are cuddled in order of importance, in a line; the first doll being closest to her, the second doll in the middle, the dog on the end. I don't know why she has chosen these three out of the hundreds inhabiting her room but somehow they have become her favourites and she cannot sleep without them. Tonight she is having a 'sleepover' in the marital bed with me. The marital husband has been relegated to the spare room. Her best friend was meant to sleep over but after spending all day playing here developed a migraine during movie time and had to go home. The disappointment was too much to bear and a secondary offer had to be made. In all fairness to the husband, it was he who thought of the idea and it was immediately accepted - she does, after all, ask to do this every night anyway. So tonight it will be Persian Kitten, doll, doll, dog, Mummy. My eldest (ten year old) daughter (preferred name yet to be decided) gets to stay in her own bed in amongst books, toys and a haphazard den. It was her bedroom they'd all been playing in.

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